You don’t become the best on
your own. You hire a coach.
Coaching will help you maximise the value of your negotiations. With guidance tailored
just for you, you’ll improve your strategy, your tactics, and your execution. While getting
an injection of confidence, just when it matters.
Contact us
Do these names sound familiar?
Woods. Williams. Phelps. Federer. You’ve likely worked out their first names are Tiger, Serena, Michael, and Roger. Each is arguably the greatest player of their respective sports. And what do they all have in common? That’s right, they all have coaches.
The very best performers know they need help to be the best they can be. So the rest of us should pay attention. A coach can guide and push you to be more successful than you would be on your own. Put simply, a coach helps you become a better version of yourself.

Negotiation coaching is your competitive advantage
People often overestimate their negotiation skills. And underestimate the value of getting help. But the best performers don’t make this mistake, they get a negotiation coach (just like many of your counterparties do).

Gain confidence
You might be a confident person. But we all have emotions and doubts, we all hear the little chimp voice in our heads – especially when the stakes are high. Coaching can give you the confidence to say no. Or to choose a path your colleagues disagree with. It can be the boost you need, just when you need it.

Improve strategy
Sometimes you just need to run your game plan past someone who knows how to play the game. Someone objective and not emotionally invested. Is your strategy sound? Does this tactical approach make sense given the circumstances? Will your counterparty likely respond the way you predict?

Cut out the noise
It’s easy for you and your team to get lost in the details. And there will be layers that complicate your decisions – the internal politics, personal emotions and career implications. Your coach will help you cut through the noise and help you focus on the details that actually matter to your specific negotiation.

Gain better perspective

Become tougher

Get challenged
Just like those elite athletes, your thoughts, mindset and actions need to be questioned, to be challenged. Why would you do that? And, why wouldn’t you do that? You’ll get the questions your colleagues do not ask. At the very least, you stress test your strategy and plan. But more likely, you will work out a better game plan.

Gain confidence
You might be a confident person. But we all have emotions and doubts, we all hear the little chimp voice in our heads – especially when the stakes are high. Coaching can give you the confidence to say no. Or to choose a path your colleagues disagree with. It can be the boost you need, just when you need it.

Improve strategy
Sometimes you just need to run your game plan past someone who knows how to play the game. Someone objective and not emotionally invested. Is your strategy sound? Does this tactical approach make sense given the circumstances? Will your counterparty likely respond the way you predict?

Cut out the noise
It’s easy for you and your team to get lost in the details. And there will be layers that complicate your decisions – the internal politics, personal emotions and career implications. Your coach will help you cut through the noise and help you focus on the details that actually matter to your specific negotiation.

Gain better perspective
When you’re in a storm, all you can see is the storm. Everything can look difficult, dangerous and scary. Sometimes what you need is to see the problem from a new perspective. Your coach will help you see the storm from the top of the lighthouse, so you can easily chart a course to the beautifully calm blue ocean nearby.

Become tougher

Get challenged
Just like those elite athletes, your thoughts, mindset and actions need to be questioned, to be challenged. Why would you do that? And, why wouldn’t you do that? You’ll get the questions your colleagues do not ask. At the very least, you stress test your strategy and plan. But more likely, you will work out a better game plan.

Become more aware

Be more honest
In a coaching session, you don’t have to consider what your colleagues might think. Or your own pride, ego or reputation at the company. With your coach, you can be honest about your thoughts and feelings. This open and frank conversation, in a safe environment, will help you make the best decisions.

Close better deals
Who benefits from negotiation coaching sessions?
The same people who benefit from becoming better negotiators. That is to say, almost everyone. You might not think of yourself as a negotiator, but we’re all negotiating all the time in life. Here are just some of the people that benefit from negotiation coaching.

Have a game-changing conversation that will help you negotiate with more power and effectiveness.

project manager
Get support at key stages throughout important projects and negotiate better outcomes for you and your team.

Human resources manager
Get help at key moments, like when you’re negotiating packages or redundancies. Or dealing with tough union negotiations.

About to negotiate an important new client contract? Or start a joint venture? Your coach will help you ink the best deal.

Get negotiation support for a host of reasons, like landing a major new contract, or when you’re raising investment capital.

Most human beings
Buying or selling a house? About to negotiate a new salary package? Get the help from an expert negotiator.

When you maximise the value of deals you’ll create more profit for your company and pour rocket fuel on your career.

project manager
You’ll be better able to manage complexity, bring stakeholders together and get the best possible outcomes.

HR manager
You’re negotiating all the time – salaries, packages, redundancies, union terms, industrial action, you name it.

You’ll be able to close higher value, more favourable deals with your clients with better negotiation skills.

Get negotiation support for a host of reasons, like landing a major new contract, or when you’re raising investment capital.

Most human beings
Get a better deal for life’s big negotiations, like your house or your salary. Or just get your kids to eat more broccoli.
When does it make sense to book
a Kahvay coaching session?
The great thing about coaching is it’s flexible. You can get help at many different stages in the negotiation process, all of which add value in different ways. Here are some examples of great moments to use negotiation coaching.

When you’re planning. Or throughout
The better you prepare for important negotiations, the better you’ll do. Book negotiation coaching to guide you through the initial strategy phase.
Or you can schedule regular coaching throughout the lifecycle of your negotiation, from planning, to execution, to post-game analysis and beyond. This could be a session a month for the 6 to 12 months of the negotiation.
When it matters. Or when it goes wrong
You have a major negotiation coming up. A coaching session can help you check your strategy and tactics, at this critical moment. And let’s not pretend everything always works out.
You will sometimes say or do the wrong thing. Your relationships will take a hit. Or your counterpart will surprise you. Coaching helps you as you fix problems.

Refresh training. Or review performance
To maximise the impact of our training, it’s smart to have a refresh session. Revisiting the theory, the techniques, and the tools will help you truly embed skills. And review of your performance with your negotiation coach is incredibly valuable.
Post game analysis of your strategy, your tactics and your actions will only help you get better and better.
With tailored coaching support, you can become the best negotiator in any room
Select the coaching session you need below, or email us at and we’ll do the rest.
Book a Negotiation Coaching or Consulting Session
£250 per hour
Need support in a current or planned negotiation? Our experts can provide invaluable guidance and advice for when you need it most.
1 hour
Discovery Call
We are happy to discuss any challenges you may be facing or any needs you might have for negotiation training or coaching.
Book a Career Coaching Session
£150 per hour
Not sure where next in your negotiation career? We offer career coaching sessions to help you develop and reach your true potential.

“You can have a good relationship with a customer, but that doesn’t mean they won’t metaphorically grab you and pull you across the table to try and squeeze every last penny out of you. With Kahvay’s support, you’re prepared for those tough moments, so you’re the one that’s always in control of the negotiation.”
Industry and Logistics Director
Coaching that improves performance
For coaching to be effective it needs to happen at the right time, be just enough support for that moment, and be relevant to your specific needs. That is our negotiation coaching in a nutshell.

Just in time

Just enough

Just for you
This is about you and your situation. It’s not about negotiation theory, or general best practice. So this is not generic advice, it’s coaching uniquely tailored to you. Your problems, your actions, and your objectives.
To coach you have to understand the game
You should now be able to see that hiring a negotiation coach is a no brainer. The ROI of a good coach is, frankly, ridiculous. But that doesn’t answer the question: Why choose Kahvay coaches? To put it simply, we know how to play the game well.

Big budgets. Big clients. Big personalities. We’ve faced them all. We’re not afraid to challenge and push you, however senior you are, or high the stakes are. And while we are here to coach you, to help you discover the best path yourself.
We also will not shy away from telling you what we would do in your situation, when asked. Our coaching is confident because we know our approach works.
Mastery doesn’t happen overnight. Our coaches have practised and honed their skills over decades. It’s this experience that will help you see holes in your plan, or opportunities you’re missing.
Experience that helps you spot the hidden strengths and weaknesses in your counterparty. And experience that will help you see the important little details, as well as the bigger picture.

Our coaches have become experts by doing. Not simply by being well-read on a subject. So we’re not the Harvard professors who once wrote a book, but have never negotiated their way out of a paper bag.
We’ve actually been there in the room in the high-pressured cauldron of real-life high-stakes negotiations. That’s a very important difference.
Book your negotiation coaching session
You can book a single hour session here. If you’d like to book a larger volume of hours for you or your team to use, you will get a more favourable hourly rate. For larger bookings, please email
The most valuable hour you’ll ever buy
The return on investment of just one hour of quality negotiation coaching can be huge. Even on a fairly low value negotiation, you can easily improve the value of the deal by many multiples of the cost of coaching.
But if you’re in a major negotiation, in the millions or even hundreds of millions, the coaching will become the single smartest hour you have ever paid for. Besides, just remember how much your plumber will charge you for an emergency weekend call out, for just a few hours under your sink.

“What I like is that your opinions and approach and decisions are challenged in the sessions. It gives you real clarity and a boost of confidence. And the tools and techniques you’re given just make sense. They’re easy to understand and easy to use, so become really practical to use after your sessions, in real world negotiations. Kahvay is the best, and everyone at our company agrees.”
Director of In-house Services
You read all that and still have questions? You must be keen.

Q. Do the coaching hours I book have an expiry date?

Q. How quickly can I book a session?
A. That depends on the schedule. We know sometimes you just need to get on the phone, and so we’ll try to fit you in within 48 hours (it could even be the same day). But of course, that’s not always possible. If you’re desperate to have a phone call, and the stakes are high, we’ll consider evening or weekend sessions. Just email and briefly explain your situation.

Q. What is a coaching hour like?
A. Coaching hours are over video conference, or an old-fashioned phone call (and could be face-to-face if geography and COVID permit it). We’ll spend some time understanding the specifics of your situation. Then we’ll review your planned approach. And finally discuss the best options for you. Think of it like a private 1-2-1 with a trusted mentor. It’s that kind of safe space where you get the exact guidance and support you need at that moment.
Q. What is your cancellation policy?
A. Given the nature of our services, we do require commitment. An engagement with you prevents me from taking on another client. You agree that it is your responsibility to notify me of any cancellation 48 hours in advance of any engagement. I will attempt in good faith to reschedule the engagement. In the event you choose to cancel the engagement within 48 hours then there will be no obligation to reimburse your fees and I reserve the right to reschedule your time. In addition, if I have incurred any expenses in time, material, travel etc, as a result of pre-booking and scheduling, then I reserve the right to charge you as a result of any cancellation or rescheduling.
With tailored coaching support, you can become the best negotiator in any room
Select the coaching session you need below, or email us at and we’ll do the rest.
Book a Negotiation Coaching or Consulting Session
£250 per hour
Need support in a current or planned negotiation? Our experts can provide invaluable guidance and advice for when you need it most.
1 hour
Discovery Call
We are happy to discuss any challenges you may be facing or any needs you might have for negotiation training or coaching.
Book a Career Coaching Session
£150 per hour
Not sure where next in your negotiation career? We offer career coaching sessions to help you develop and reach your true potential.