Become the best negotiator
in any room you enter

Expert training, coaching and consulting to help you become the most skilled
negotiator you know. You’ll gain complete control of how you and your counterparty
think, feel and behave – so you maximise the value of every deal.

Kahvay is an official sponsor of the REC Awards 2023

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Transform your negotiation skills

From uncertainty to clarity. From emotional to rational. And from controllable to
being in control.We’re going to help you take your negotiation skills from pretty
good, to pretty hard to beat.

Transform your negotiation skills


  • Uncertainty and doubt
  • Emotional and fearful
  • Avoiding uncomfortableness
  • Misplaced confidence
  • Unaligned, conflicting teams
  • Too easily exploitable
  • Not happy with the deal

after KAHVAY

  • Clarity and confidence
  • Calm and calculated
  • Embracing the uncomfortable
  • Confidence from competence
  • Happy team pulling together
  • Commercially tough
  • Getting the best deal

Training. Coaching. Consulting.

Negotiation Training

Become the most competent, confident and commercially tough person in the room with The Master Negotiator. This practical course will teach you to think and act like an expert negotiator, giving you the strategic, tactical and practical skills required to maximise value.

Negotiation Coaching

Schedule a series of 1-2-1 coaching hours to support you through the entire lifecycle of a negotiation. Or just book a last-minute session before a major negotiation to check your strategy is a sound one. Arguably, the best return on investment of any hour you’ll pay for.

Negotiation CONSULTING

Need more hands-on support? Following a needs analysis, we’ll help your team with the entire strategic and tactical negotiation process, from planning to execution to post-game analysis. With Kahvay players on your team, we’ll transform your results. Together.

You’ll think and act like a master negotiator

That is the answer to the big question you have. What makes Kahvay negotiation services special? Why should you spend your money with us, and not some other provider? It’s simple. Because our approach will actually help you change behaviour – so you change your results.

Practical Training. Hands on support

You won’t just be fed negotiation theory in our training. The Kahvay approach is relentlessly practical, because that’s the only way we learn and improve. And we’re not afraid to offer you our advice in coaching and consulting sessions.

That’s because we’re experienced practitioners, not academics. You’ll get the strategic, tactical, and practical negotiation skills that actually make a difference in real life high-stakes negotiations.

Custom tools. Digital experience

Negotiation can be stormy. It’s easy to get lost in the data, the details, and the doubt. So we’ve developed a range of tools to help you plan and execute your negotiations – to help you navigate those storms.

The most important is the Kahvay Negotiation Compass, a tool that will help you adapt practically and objectively to whatever situation you’re facing. Plus, course delegates get access to our custom digital learning platform that supports their journey to negotiation mastery.

Negotiation isn’t a dirty word. We’re all negotiators

You might not think of yourself as a negotiator. You might also have a negative picture in your mind. One of sneaky manipulation. Or awkward haggling in a street market.

But the reality is, we’re all negotiating every day – as parents, as colleagues, as leaders, and yes, as buyers and sellers. So negotiation is not trickery, or manipulation. It’s life. It’s simply about becoming more aware of what you and your counterpart are thinking, feeling and doing. So you can make better decisions that achieve better outcomes.

Everyone benefits from better negotiation skills

Commercial buyer/seller

When you maximise the value of deals you’ll create more profit for your company and pour rocket fuel on your career.

Most human beings

Product/project manager

You’ll be better able to manage complexity, bring stakeholders together and get the best possible outcomes.

Human resources manager

You’re negotiating all the time – salaries, packages, redundancies, union terms, industrial action, you name it.


You’ll be able to close higher value, more favourable deals with your clients with better negotiation skills.

Small business owner

With better negotiation skills you can close better deals with suppliers and customers. And raise capital more easily.

Most human beings

Most human beings

Get a better deal for life’s big negotiations, like your house or your salary. Or just get your kids to eat more broccoli.

Commercial buyer/seller

When you maximise the value of deals you’ll create more profit for your company and pour rocket fuel on your career.

Product/project manager

You’ll be better able to manage complexity, bring stakeholders together and get the best possible outcomes.

Human resources manager

You’re negotiating all the time – salaries, packages, redundancies, union terms, industrial action, you name it.


You’ll be able to close higher value, more favourable deals with your clients with better negotiation skills.

Small business owner

With better negotiation skills you can close better deals with suppliers and customers. And raise capital more easily.

Most human beings

Get a better deal for life’s big negotiations, like your house or your salary. Or just get your kids to eat more broccoli.

We could go on and on. But you get the point!

So what do the people that paid cold
hard cash have to say about Kahvay?

From junior negotiators to HR managers to CEOs at billion euro companies, these
people have completed The Master Negotiator, and experienced our coaching and
consulting support. This is what they say…

“Real world training”

“When we first started the training, it was a kind of shocking moment. Because at our company, we’re all friendly people. But I immediately recognised this approach, it was how my big clients behaved. So I knew straight away this training would equip me for those high pressure, high stakes negotiations.”

Commercial seller

“Emotional to rational”

“Our negotiations used to be highly emotional. We’d always think of it like going to war. I would literally lose kilos in weight in the build up to an important negotiation. Now, since our time with Kahvay, everything is calm, controlled and calculated.”

Managing Director

“Toughens you up”

“Some negotiations can be very uncomfortable. The other party plays it tough. They play on your emotions. They tell you what you’re doing is wrong. And they put pressure on you in other ways. There is no better way to prepare yourself for these tough negotiations than Kahvay training.”

Managing Director

“Essential training”

“Negotiations can be so unpredictable. But when you are in control, you are calm. That’s what Kahvay gives you, the pleasant feeling of being in control. This is some of the most important training I have had in my life. It’s that good.”

Managing Director

“Proper preparation”

“I used to think we were well prepared for negotiations. Now I know how woefully unprepared we always were. Giles and the Kahvay training taught me what it is to be truly prepared. We now negotiate much more successfully.”

Vice President

“Being uncomfortable”

“I knew from the start this wouldn’t be normal training where you’re fed info. This was going to be tough. It helps you get used to being uncomfortable, which is a great thing. It opens up new strategies and maximises the potential of a deal.”


Oxygen. Water. Negotiation.

All essential to a successful life. A skilled negotiator influences people and results. They make change happen. Move projects forward. Lead teams to victory. Get paid more. And make more profit for their

Negotiation is one of the most undervalued skills you can learn. The World Economic Forum rates negotiation as one of the top 10 most essential skills required to navigate the modern world. So we’re on a mission to give you the strategic, tactical and practical skills required to master this essential life skill.

Which negotiation service do you need now?

Negotiation Training

Discover how it works, what’s inside
the course and why it’s going to change your life.

Negotiation Coaching

In an important negotiation? Book a
1-2-1 coaching session with our expert negotiators.

Negotiation CONSULTING

From planning to execution, we’ll help you maximise value and improve margins.

“I negotiated with some of the biggest clients of them all. Where before this would have been scary, I now understood their approach and what they were doing. I can honestly say that if I hadn’t had training with Kahvay, I wouldn’t have achieved the same results, or had the same peace of mind.”

Vice President

Ready to become a master negotiator?

Click below to let us know you’re interested, and we’ll do the rest.